Each school operates in a specific context which influences what the school does and the choices that it makes.  Understanding learner profile, parental/home environment, school leaders and experience and composition of staff as well as governance play a significant role in helping to get “under the skin” of a school. It is important, when carrying out any (self-) evaluation that inspectors, school improvement advisers, leaders and practitioners consider the school’s context.

By ‘context’ we mean:
  • administrative and structural characteristics and (pedagogical) culture of the school
  • socio-economic and other characteristics of the local area (such as large conurbations, or rural communities, presence of deprivation, cultural mix and language profile of population, etc.)
  • available resources (e.g. financial, buildings, equipment, and access to cultural, sporting and other enrichment facilities, community partnerships and support agencies)
  • legal context and applicable regulations
  • profile of the learners (such as gender, race, identity, religion, language competence, starting points and special educational need)
  • profile of the parents/carers and the home environment (such as socio-economic and cultural characteristics, including access to technology to facilitate home-learning, home language(s), parental involvement)
  • profile of the staff (such as didactic and intrinsic expert knowledge, expectations of learners, attitudes and motivation, experience, educational level, number of years of educational experience)
  • profile of leadership and governance (composition, professional experience)