The Netherlands - State of Education 2024
The Dutch inspectorate of education yearly reports about the state of education. This report reflects on major developments and aspects of education that are currently in need of improvement. You can find it on the
website of the Dutch Inspectorate of Education – which happens to be updated recently.
A short introductory text about this year’s State of Education report reads:
‘Schools and educational institutions that perform poorly in terms of educational quality and basic skills should follow the example of schools that perform well. This is what the Dutch Inspectorate of Education advocates, based on the findings in the State of Education 2024. Currently, the differences in quality between individual schools are too big. This is evident from several examples, such as the extent to which students at comparable schools have mastered literacy and numeracy skills and the outcomes of quality assessments the inspectorate performed at schools and educational institutions. A sample of 225 schools shows that more than 20% of the schools and institutions were judged as ‘inadequate’ by the Inspectorate in 2023. At the same time, a great number of schools do well. You can find all information about the State of Education in the report via
this link.