The original aims of the SICI association were to serve as a forum for members for the purpose of exchanging experiences, improving inspection and promoting partnerships and cooperation between members and other stakeholders. The association has therefore acquired a 20-yearlong expertise in encouraging and supporting exchanges and cooperation between inspectorates. It has solid management and communication skills acquired through organising general assemblies every year, three or four annual thematic workshops and running a website.
The key persons involved in the project are the president, the Development Officer and members of the executive committee. They all have long experience in inspection and evaluation activities in their own country (France, Flemish community of Belgium, Sweden, Czech Republic and Serbia) and are all in office with high positions of responsibility.
Its long expertise in international networking and knowledge of inspections systems in Europe leads to the designation of SICI as coordinator of the project. This is the first time that SICI will be involved in promoting, coordinating and helping other organisations to organise an Erasmus+-project and have contact and impact on policymakers in different European countries.
There is no mould for inclusive education. A certain level of variety is useful to fully align sources with the local needs. However, the challenge will be to organize the system in such a way that the conditions as well as the persons involved (e.g. inspectors, school leaders, teachers, parents...) are given sufficient capacity to deliver the best possible education to children who are in special need.
This is the main impetus for initiating the BIBESOIN project. There is really a need (in mixed English-French: to be a 'besoin') to pursue a 'better social inclusion' by focusing on this topic in the development of the skills of inspectors, external evaluators of schools, directors and teachers and inspector educators. SICI wants to use its experience to create a European network, exchange good practices and think about the impact of inspection on inclusive education in a broader way (not only children with special needs), in regular education in mainstream schools. The different partners can learn a lot from each other. To keep it manageable we have decided not to take more than 5 inspectorates and 2 'critical' friends as partners.